

In the face of the epidemic, our destiny is shared. China has supported one belt, one road along the way since the outbreak. The virus's "indiscriminate attack" on the world, regardless of race, region and national boundaries reminds people once again that in the face of global public health emergencies, human beings are a community of shared destiny. Work together to defeat the virus! Those who share the same desire win, and those who share the same weal and woe win. The artist takes painting and calligraphy as the first to show the feelings of a great country, and to convey the news and positive energy of common anti epidemic warm. Sunshine always after the wind and rain, may the world be well, and human beings be peaceful!


Xu Zhenshi, born in Songjiang, Shanghai in January 1938, was the son of Cheng Shifa, a master of Shanghai school. Painter and photographer of China, director and editor of editorial office of people's fine arts publishing house. In 1965, he graduated from the Department of traditional Chinese painting of Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts (now China Academy of Fine Arts). He studied with Pan Tianshou, President of Zhejiang Academy of fine arts, Fang Zengxian and other famous scholars, and enjoyed the special life allowance of the State Council government. He is an advanced worker in the national press and publication system, and was listed in the British world famous person list in 1989.


Former deputy director of New Year Painting Art Committee of China Artists Association, former deputy director and Secretary General of Photography Art Committee of China Publishing Association, director of China Poverty Alleviation foundation, deputy director of calligraphy and painting Poverty Alleviation Office, director of East China Office of China National Branch of the United Nations Development Programme, etc. At present, he is also the director of the New Year Painting Art Committee of China Publishing Association of the Propaganda Department of the CPC; the consultant and former executive vice president of China Fan Art Association; the lifelong president of Songzhuang international calligraphy and Painting Institute; the lifetime honorary chairman of China rites Art Center; the lifetime honorary president of China literature and art press; the vice chairman of the Council of the calligraphy and painting art professional committee of China National Architecture Research Association; Chief art consultant of expert advisory group of changshaotang group: Honorary President of China Poetry, calligraphy and painting alliance network; chief consultant of China National Calligraphy and painting network. Honorary president and art consultant for life of the World Artists Association; Honorary academician, visiting professor, chief artist and senior consultant of the Royal Academy of art of the UK; honorary doctor and foreign academician of the Royal Academy of art of Sweden; senior academic consultant for life of the Royal Academy of art of the Netherlands; doctor of art of the Royal Academy of art of France; academician of the Royal Academy of painting of France, etc.


In the past 60 years, he has served as the judge of the national three to six annual art exhibitions, vice director judge and preparer, and the judge of the six and nine national art exhibitions. At the beginning of this century, he co organized the year of the tiger, the year of the rabbit and the year of the Dragon national annual painting exhibition, and commemorated Chairman Mao's comments on the 60th anniversary of new China's new year painting work in Weifang exhibition, Shandong Province, and edited and published the above album.


The products of "red ginseng" in decoration design, the folk architecture of "China's water town" in cooperative design, the collection of book collectors' gifts in Mao Zedong's former residence and his traditional Chinese painting works won prizes in Belgium, France, Japan, the United Nations, Russia, the United States and other countries respectively. The editorial office will organize the creation press to select and send more than 40 winning works to participate in the national annual art exhibition, which will be included in the above works collection.

合编国务院文化交流《中国年画》国礼画册并作序。2008年,为中国举办奥运会,主编《丹青流芳》中国画集作为国家礼品并作序。改革开放,为对外合作出版,国家美术全集工程,作出突出贡献,受中宣部,国家部委表彰,分别授予“共和国60年突出贡献人物”、“十佳艺术标兵”“建党 90年突出行业人物”、“特别贡献功勋艺术家”、“年画事业特殊贡献奖”等荣誉。

He co compiled the cultural exchange of the State Council "Chinese New Year pictures" and made a preface. In 2008, the Olympic Games were held for China, and the collection of Chinese paintings of "painting of young people" was edited as a national gift and preface. The reform and opening up policy has made outstanding contributions to the publication of foreign cooperation and the national art collection project. It has been praised by the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee and the state ministries and commissions, and has been awarded the honors of "outstanding contributor of the Republic for 60 years", "top ten art pacesetters", "outstanding industry figure of the party for 90 years", "special contribution artist", "special contribution award for new year painting cause" and so on.

在国际上荣获“英国皇家骑士勋章”、“瑞典皇家北极星勋章”、“荷兰皇家骑士勋章”、法国艺术及文学骑士勋章、“法国皇家荣誉勋章”,“世界艺术百年传世名家”以及俄罗斯、韩、美、日、泰和阿联酋等国嘉奖。联合国授予“中华文化传播大使”荣誉 。

In the world, he has won the "Royal Knights of England", "Royal North Star of Sweden", "Royal Knights of Holland", "Knights of art and literature of France", "Royal Medal of honor of France", "world famous artists of one hundred years" and awards from Russia, South Korea, the United States, Japan, Thailand and the United Arab Emirates. The United Nations awarded the honor of "ambassador of Chinese culture communication".


The rich artistic career, the exhibition of famous works of ancient and modern Chinese and foreign celebrities, the selection and compilation of various books, benefited from the masters and masters of the Academy of fine arts at that time. Summarize others, improve yourself, have dedication and harvest, and continue to study in the national publishing house. Reform and opening up, Chinese and foreign cooperation in publishing, traveling through the green mountains and the beautiful mountains and rivers of the motherland, national customs, is an inexhaustible source of creation, is the only way for artists engaged in art career. Mr. Fang Zengxian inscribed for his work, "he put his knowledge and experience at the bottom of his pen, which made him achieve gratifying results in painting. His paintings of flowers and birds, landscapes and figures are very vivid and poetic. Thick, huazi, is the highest level of ink


Mr. Shen Peng, then chairman of the Chinese Calligraphy Association, inscribed for his exhibition, "Chinese painting is not only highly trained, but also widely dabbled by old editors. There are more and more people in the world who know about it, and they are sincere and appropriate." It is also entitled "one art, multiple abilities, traditional light". It takes the sages as an example and gives high comments and encouragement. In recent years, Mr. Xu has cooperated with Dong Chunlian's painters to blend color and ink to create a blue painting, which has successfully explored the integration of Chinese painting with Western painting color, complemented each other and won the world art circle's commendation.


He has published books such as moving the world's art giants, the world's art soul, the world's art Centennial celebrities, the national image, the national charm, the star of the motherland, the people of the art in Asia, the favorite artist of the Chinese and French people, and the philatelic collection of Xu Zhen on the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France. The world's top one, Asia's most one investment and collection, one belt, one road, the most attractive artist and other special publications and the "color ink blending and casting" and other pictorial album, and held the "colored ink" exhibition in Paris, France on New Year's day in 2018, and was awarded the Royal Academy of Fine Arts and the Academy of painting.


In 2019, on the occasion of celebrating the 70th anniversary of the founding of the people's Republic of China, it won the "top ten favorite artists of the Chinese people" and "Chinese art Huading Award". Invited "snow plateau", "langyuan Changle" and other works to Vienna, Austria to enter the United Nations works exchange exhibition. In the 9th Chinese list (China Award), he won the honor of "great artist" in Cambridge, England. The Royal Academy of Fine Arts in France has awarded the title of "World Palace level artist" and published a picture album.


70th anniversary famous works of the Republic, and the 5 masters stamps, which are carrying out the history and spreading civilization.


Art review:


The artistic achievements of comrades during the earthquake were outstanding. He is good at freehand landscapes and traditional figures of flowers and birds. During the earthquake, comrades behaved with gentleness and sincerity. He is broad-minded and open-minded. Based on his devotion to the national painting tradition, every piece of ink and every piece of color is written with his heart. Every stroke or ink in his paintings is like a beautiful new song or classic old song, full of humanistic spirit and natural emotion, containing deep charm and sending out elegant and fresh charm. He sticks to his hometown of ink and wash, and expresses his thoughts and feelings through the special modality of mountains and rivers, scenes of life, so as to obtain a broader and profound meaning, and his works have a more modern significance of expression, symbolism and enlightenment.


During the earthquake, comrades deeply rooted their roots in their national culture, in their hearts and in their times. He has a keen observation and quick thinking, as well as a lofty sense of social responsibility and mission. He is engaged in artistic creation with the lofty ideal of purifying people's spiritual world with art. He has a solid and flexible basic modeling skills, and his hands have no false pen. He is one of the few masters in the field of Chinese figure painting who can stretch his hand to the sky and write freely. In a sense, comrade's works at the time of the earthquake are a spiritual home, an artistic realm of forgetting both things and myself, and shining with the brilliance of human art. His paintings transcend the tradition, and are full of strong sense of the times as the traditional landscape, flower and bird paintings move towards the modern era. The composition of his works is full, the expressive power of color is publicized, the handwriting is well written, the color is filled, outlined and used alternately, and the essence of his works is embodied. As a means of his innovation, it is also the need of the era's aesthetic style of luxury and magnificence. During the earthquake, comrade led the trend of landscape, flower and bird painting innovation, and promoted the progress of Chinese landscape, flower and bird painting.


Dong Qichang said, "reading thousands of books, traveling thousands of miles, getting rid of the dust and turbidity in the heart, setting up Yingguo in the natural gullies, and writing at will, are all vivid landscapes." Only by studying, creating and innovating, improving the overall cultivation of thought, morality, character and realm, and opening up mind, can we be detached from the world, integrate all interests into the mind, and keep the mind out of the world. Sublime art is an indispensable part of human soul needs, which makes a dazzling light of faith rise in the vast wilderness. May every painting by Comrade Zhen become the track of spiritual activity, so that every work can communicate with the audience and resonate with them.




