


Wang Yaotian(formerly known as Wang Qingge,pseudonym Wang Yao,Laogen),male,graduated from Nankai University as a postgraduate,and has successively studied in Tsinghua University and Renmin University of China.Beijing native,ancestral home of Jinxiang,Jining,Shandong.He is currently the Vice President of the Information science Professional Committee of the International Yi ology Federation,which is in charge of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,a visiting professor of Renmin University of China,and the Vice President of the China Expert Think Tank Alliance for Decision making of CCTV.He used to be the chief professor of the School of Continuing Education of the Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,a researcher of the Institute of Social Development of the Chinese Academy of Management Science,and an editor of the People's Daily's"Time Tide"fortnightly.


Since the beginning of the 21st century,I have been hired to teach courses such as Zhou Yixue,Residential Environmental Health and Fortune,and Chinese Elephant School Names to various provinces,cities,and county-level units in the national financial system for a long time.After class,I plan residential and corporate environments,family member names,and business names for many high-end clients.


At the end of 2006,a big debate about whether Chinese traditional culture is"Pseudoscience"broke out in China's scientific and cultural circles.Chinese scientists have long studied"science"as"truth",but no one in the scientific community actually knows the true definition of"science".More than 150 well-known figures in the scientific and cultural circles,including researcher Song Zhenghai of the Chinese Academy of Sciences,jointly wrote a letter requesting the superior leadership to define"science".Otherwise,Chinese traditional culture would be in danger of being eliminated by a large number of domestic western cultural agents in the name of"Pseudoscience".Mr.Wang Yaotian participated in this debate.He published an article in the People's Political Consultative Conference Newspaper,"Carefully use the word"Pseudoscience"to talk about science and Chinese traditional culture".For the first time in History of China,Mr.Wang Yaotian gave the western so-called"science"a relatively correct definition.This correct'definition'clarifies the right and wrong,right and wrong aspects of this debate,pointing the right direction and playing a correct leading role.The article defends China's excellent traditional culture and seriously criticizes the erroneous ideas of Western cultural agents who worship foreign things,which has caused a significant response in China's scientific and cultural community.The article points out that the so-called"science"is a knowledge system that is subject specific and learned,and it is a way of thinking.It is not truth in itself and does not represent absolute correctness.It is only a tool and means of pursuing truth.It has both advantages and disadvantages.On the one hand,it helps us understand the truth,but on the other hand,it hinders us from continuing to understand the truth.Because science,as an intermediary tool for understanding truth,is limited by the stage of human productivity development.Chinese traditional culture is another advanced way of thinking,which is more intelligent and truthful than Western science.It does not conform to the Western scientific way of thinking,and there are no errors in itself,just different ways of thinking and understanding.Not in line with Western science cannot prove to be wrong.The fundamental criterion for judging the right and wrong of both sides in the debate is the definition of"science".Now the fundamental criterion to judge whether Chinese traditional culture is"Pseudoscience"has been made clear to the world.The fighters against"Pseudoscience"can no longer deceive the people and stigmatize Chinese traditional culture as"Pseudoscience".It is also impossible to eliminate Chinese traditional culture in the name of"Pseudoscience".This debate has significant practical and profound historical significance.Safeguarding and inheriting the traditional culture,which is related to the soul and lifeline of the Chinese nation,is a great thing that will affect China's future cultural security and Political security.It is an important turning point in the decline to gradual rejuvenation of Chinese culture since modern times,as well as a significant turning point in the cultural,educational,and scientific circles of our country from blindly superstitious Western culture to gradually awakening confidence.It is also an important turning point for a large number of intellectuals in our country to consciously defend and inherit Chinese traditional culture,from worshiping foreign things and completely denying and criticizing Chinese traditional culture.It laid a broad ideological and mass foundation for the great strategic decision made by the CPC Central Committee to carry forward and inherit the excellent traditional Chinese culture.


Mr.Wang Yaotian later proposed that Western science is a utilitarian science that constantly negates the theoretical concepts he proposed in the past.Laws are eternal and unchanging truths,which indicates that Western science does not conform to laws and is not truth.The development of Western science goes against the original intention of humanity,as it has the ability to destroy humanity and the Earth at any time,which is unexpected for scientists who study Western"science"as truth.The theory of yin,yang,and five elements in the Chinese Book of Changes is a natural science,a theory of the long-term coexistence of all things in the universe.It is itself a truth based thinking that conforms to the"Dao"and remains unchanged for thousands of years.


Against the backdrop of the popularity of"Guoxue"and the inability to find a suitable definition of"Guoxue"in dictionaries,Mr.Wang Yaotian provided a more accurate definition of"Guoxue"for China for the first time.Mr.Wang Yaotian's article Source and Main Content of Chinese Excellent Traditional Culture systematically and comprehensively combs the excellent traditional Cultural resource management of China for the first time.


In 2019,Mr.Wang Yaotian was awarded the title of"2019 Excellent Inheritance Tutor of Yi Learning"by the Information science Professional Committee of the International Yi Learning Federation.Selected as the most influential lecturer in the 2022 National Influential Person Selection.Mr.Wang Yaotian founded the"Beijing School"of Yi Studies,which mainly includes the Chinese Elephant Numerology School of Name Studies,the Chinese Shifang School of Feng Shui Studies,the Study of Residential Environmental Health and Fortune,the Study of Chinese Character Imagery Prediction,and the Study of Life and Fortune Planning.Published over 20 volumes of works and more than 10 papers on the study of the Chinese Book of Changes.


What are the innovative advantages of Jingpai Yixue


Following the"Southern School"of Yi Studies founded by two predecessors of Yi Studies,Mr.Shao Weihua,and the"Northern School"of Yi Studies founded by Mr.Liao Moxiang,Mr.Wang Yaotian has established the"Beijing School"of Yi Studies in Beijing since the 1990s.Mainly including Chinese Elephant Numerology School of Nomenclature,Chinese Shifang School of Fengshui(including Residential Environmental Health and Destiny),Chinese Character Imagery Prediction,Life and Destiny Planning,etc.


1、The Innovative Advantages of Chinese Elephant Numerology in Nomenclology


1.The so-called Chinese Elephant Numerology School of Nameology is a new theoretical system that analyzes and judges the information of life and destiny from the trinity of image(sound,meaning,and form),eight dimensional mathematical theory,and eight trigrams and five elements.It includes two aspects:name prediction and naming.


2.The establishment of the name science of the Elephant Numbers School,for the first time in History of China,completed the historical mission of the construction of the name science as an independent discipline theoretical system that the ancient and contemporary leaders of the Book of Changes wanted to complete but did not complete,making the name science truly become a discipline that can go hand in hand with the Feng Shui science of the Book of Changes,the eight character prediction science,the plum blossom number change,the six line prediction science,the Qimen Dunjia,the six ren prediction science,and so on.


3.The establishment of the name science of the Elephant Number School enabled the Chinese people to have their own set of comprehensive and advanced Systems science,accurate and practical name prediction and naming theory system for the first time.For the first time in History of China,an objective standard has been established to judge whether a name is good or bad,right or wrong.The Chinese Elephant Numerology School of Nomenclature is a textbook for us to revere our ancestral culture,save others'lives,reduce diseases and disasters,reveal the mysteries of Chinese characters,promote awakening,choose and recreate good luck,and gain wealth and fortune in life.


4.For thousands of years,no one has known what the combination of names and characters means,from emperors,generals,masters of Yi Yi,sages of all ages,to ordinary people.For the first time,the school of numerology has announced to the world that the combination of names and characters is related to the fate and survival of oneself and the six relatives!For the first time,it revealed a significant secret between the combination of names and characters and the fate of life.It marks a great discovery and awakening of the Chinese people in the field of cultural research!Several retired generals,after listening to the courses taught by the Beijing School of Yi Xue,sighed,"We have been in the army for half our lives,but we don't know that there is actually another world outside of our real world


5.For the first time,the Elephant School of Nomenclature has established 35 naming rules and technical standards for the naming industry,making it the first time in China that naming has truly established an industry supported by technical standards.For the first time,the study of corporate and brand names has become a mature scientific theory.The Chinese School of Elephant Numerology has ushered in a new era of Chinese name studies!


6.For the first time,the school of numerology has discovered that over 95%of China's over 90000 Chinese characters cannot be used for personal names,which can cause various diseases,disasters,and even premature death to the six relatives.A good name may not necessarily sound good or feminine,but one that meets 35 naming rules and technical standards is a good name.There are very few Chinese characters that meet the requirements of naming studies,and these very few Chinese characters have become a strategic resource for us to change our destiny.The combination of name and text is a guide to life's destiny.What kind of name there is,what kind of fate there is.The choice of name combination has become an important indicator of whether people have cultural wisdom,wealth,health,and luck.


7.The school of numerology has found that the combination of names and characters corresponds to the six relatives,human body parts,organs,and various diseases and disasters.It also corresponds to wealth,marriage,education,career,parents,children,interpersonal relationships,lifespan,and fortune,with an accuracy rate of over 95%.The school of numerology has opened up a correct path for us to reduce or avoid the occurrence of major disease disasters and marital failure,reduce crime rates and corporate bankruptcy rates.If the academic achievements of the school of numerology are popularized and applied across the country,millions of Unnatural death will be reduced every year and trillions of medical expenses will be saved.


8.Elephant numerology has found that the combination of name words affects people's way of thinking,behavior,and language expression.It plays a dominant role in human personality.It is a magnetic field information channel that connects and communicates with the universe and society.It is like the eyes and soul of a person,playing a guiding and crucial role in the fate of life.The Chinese Elephant Numerology School of Nomenclature is like a bright light,illuminating the journey forward for the Chinese people and future generations.If it weren't for its appearance,we would still have to grope forward in the mist of the unclear path of life.


9.The school of numerology tells us that the combination of names and characters is no small matter.The level of cultural cognition is the driving force behind the diverse destinies of people.The defects in the combination of names and characters have caused major disasters to most families of Chinese in previous dynasties.The ancient Yixue masters were able to accurately measure the sky,earth,people,and future,but no one knew that the combination of names and characters determined the fate and survival of their six relatives.The establishment of the Elephant Numerology School of Nomology has changed the history of thousands of years of ignorance among the masters of the Book of Changes.From the study of the combination of names and characters of emperors,generals and ministers,princes and ministers,military teachers and national teachers,the crown prince and empress dowager,and princesses and concubines,it can be concluded that although the name is small,it has a bearing on the direction of the progress of History of China.


10.After the combination of names and characters is determined,it is possible to know in advance what kind of disease and disaster the Fathermaster and his six relatives have experienced several years,more than a decade,or decades in advance,which Western science and medicine cannot achieve.In people's minds,traditional Chinese medicine is an angel who treats diseases and saves lives.However,if your name and words are combined to create a"disease,"and you have no status or wealth,even if it is the reincarnation of a medical saint,it cannot save the lives of you and your six relatives.This is the sacred mission and duty of the school of numerology.Big data researched for more than 40 years has proved that a bad name not only causes serious diseases,injuries,premature deaths,but also endangers the life,property and marriage safety of other people and the stability of the country and society.


2、The innovative advantages of Chinese style feng shui:


1.What is Chinese style feng shui?


The so-called Chinese School of Fengshui is guided by the Twelve Immortals Water Method Theory and the Three Yuan and Three Combination Theory,based on the Balance theory of the correspondence between the eight trigrams and the twenty-four directions of the five elements magnetic field and the human body's biological magnetic field,followed by the theories of the water outlet,the home,the dragon and the water,and based on the theory of the three Yuan and three combination of yin and yang,the eight trigrams sand water and the twenty-four directions of the shape,A set of disciplinary theoretical systems that focus on the time cycle of the interaction between yin and yang in the five element magnetic field of heaven and earth,and study the financial seal of life and fate,as well as the prosperity and decline of healthy individuals.It is a new geomantic theory system that inherits the essence of traditional geomantic theory,absorbs the achievements of modern Scientific theory such as magnetic field theory,life genetics science and quantum entanglement,and explores the new form of yin-yang house geomantic in high-rise buildings and cemeteries in the industrial era.It represents the development trend and direction of Chinese geomancy theory in the industrial era.


2.What are the contents of Chinese style feng shui studies?It consists of five main parts:the first part is the basic theory of the Longxue sand water direction of feng shui,the second part is the theory of feng shui's 24 dimensional form theory and qi absorption,the third part is the theory of feng shui's three element Yin Yang interaction and qi absorption,the fourth part is the Eight Trigrams sand water and qi absorption theory of feng shui,and the fifth part is the theory of feng shui's three element Yin Yang absorption.It needs to solve three problems:first,to solve the problems of wealth,poverty,and the success or failure of family and career.The second is to solve the problem of population growth and decline.The third is to solve the problems of major diseases,injuries,and premature death.So far,it is a practical and accurate theoretical system of geomantic omen in China's comprehensive Systems science that keeps pace with the times.It is known as the epitome of Chinese geomantic omen theory.The geomantic omen of the Chinese fashion school is a textbook for us to follow the law of the magnetic field of heaven and earth,cultivate outstanding talents,pursue prosperity of wealth and prosperity,reduce disease disasters,reveal the mystery of geomantic omen,create the destiny of descendants,obtain wealth and fortune,and compete for resources in life.


3.Traditional feng shui theory has its advantages and disadvantages in all major schools.In the industrial era,there is an urgent need to integrate the advantages of various schools of feng shui theory,absorb modern scientific achievements,and form a new feng shui theory that covers the advantages of all major schools and keeps up with the times.Since China entered the era of industrialization,there has been a new form of Feng Shui in Yin Yang Mansions,which accounts for 70%of high-rise buildings and cemeteries that have not been encountered in thousands of years.The traditional Feng Shui theory generated in the agricultural era can no longer fully adapt to and guide this new practice of Feng Shui in Yin Yang Mansions,which accounts for 70%.It is urgent to establish a more comprehensive and up-to-date new Feng Shui theory.In this context,the Chinese style of feng shui emerged as the times require.


4.The contemporary school of feng shui pays more attention to the study of the impact of the new form of feng shui,high-rise buildings in the industrial era,on the fate of life.In traditional feng shui theory,the Yin house affects 70%of one's life fate,while the Yang house affects 30%.In the industrial era,the tomb ashes hall,the Yin residence,Feng Shui,influenced 30%of life's fate,and the Yang residence,a building,influenced 70%.Choosing a good feng shui address for the urn also affects 60%of one's life and destiny.This is a new discovery in the study of feng shui by the school of time.For the part of sunny houses,Mr.Wang Yaotian put forward the theoretical system of housing environment health and fortune in History of China for the first time,telling the world that the quality of housing environment is an important source of disease,disaster,career,wealth,marriage,children and good or bad fate.Modern high-rise buildings,as a form of feng shui,are still a new phenomenon.They have significant effects on the shape,height,slope,lighting,layout design of the internal environment,the nature and placement of various things,as well as the shape,position,height,terrain,and spacing of other buildings around the residential buildings,which have a significant impact on the residents'diseases,disasters,careers,financial luck,marriage,parents,children,lifespan,and fortune,Whether it's Westerners or Chinese,it's no exaggeration to say that almost no one knows.After decades of research and exploration,the study of residential environmental health and fortune has become a theoretical system that has made significant contributions in contemporary times.It can be said that this is the first great exploration and practical activity in the history of China and even humanity to explore the laws of the role of residential environment and health in the industrial era.It fills a gap in the history of human cultural thought.


5.For the first time,the school of feng shui in the era of time has achieved a great fusion of the theoretical advantages of southern feng shui and northern feng shui.In the long-term development of multiple schools of traditional feng shui theory,at least a hundred technical standards have been formed,with significant differences and lack of communication among them.This makes it very difficult for future generations to learn traditional feng shui,making it difficult to distinguish true from false.This has raised doubts among many people,which is not conducive to the development and inheritance of feng shui theory.


The new form of feng shui,consisting of high-rise buildings and public funeral halls in the industrial era,accounts for 70%of the total,providing conditions for us to achieve the integration of the theoretical advantages of feng shui from various schools in the south and north,and strive to unify technical standards.The Fengshui School of the Shifang School timely seized the opportunity to integrate the advantages of the Fengshui theories of the South and the North.


6.The"shi"and"fang"are important contents of the study of feng shui in the school of shi fang,which is determined by the new forms of feng shui in the industrial era.Searching for dragons and acupoints is an important part of traditional feng shui theory and the soul of traditional feng shui theory.In the era of industrialization today,the important matter of searching for dragons and acupoints has been overlooked by developers of buildings and cemeteries.This new form of feng shui,which accounts for 70%of the total,is difficult to find the dragon's point.Feng shui masters can only focus on the"time"and"direction",which requires us to boldly explore and innovate on the basis of inheritance,and cannot completely copy the past feng shui theory.Of course,in rural and mountainous areas where conditions permit,regardless of the yin and yang residences,as long as conditions permit,it is still necessary to search for dragons and acupoints.


7.At the same time as transforming traditional feng shui theory,the Shifang School of Feng Shui proposed some new theoretical viewpoints on the new Yin Yang residence feng shui in high-rise buildings and cemeteries.The new form of feng shui in high-rise buildings and cemeteries is no longer sufficient to be fully guided by feng shui theories such as the Eight Mansions School,the Three Harmonies School,and the Xuankong School.It is necessary to explore and innovate feng shui theories that are suitable for the new era.The traditional feng shui theory states that it can be used in all directions,which is not a problem for the past tomb plots and houses,and there is no problem of missing edges,corners,or magnetic fields.But there are serious problems with feng shui in today's high-rise buildings.It has been proved that the mountain direction of the building deviates more than 30 degrees from the north-south meridian,which means that the four sides and four corners of the house are incomplete,which violates the operation law of the magnetic field.For residents,family members may experience major illnesses and disasters,such as the collapse of their property or premature death.Buildings with severe edge and corner deficiencies are simply uninhabitable,and living in them can lead to major diseases and disasters.Faced with the increasingly complex new form of feng shui,which accounts for 70%of the ashes of high-rise buildings and cemeteries,even if the founder of feng shui,Yang Gong,is reincarnated,it is necessary to use new feng shui theories that keep up with the times to guide and solve the new feng shui practice problems of high-rise buildings and cemeteries that have not been encountered for thousands of years.Taking a 140 square meter building as an example,the external environment is complex,regardless of its height.The two bathrooms,doors and windows,kitchen,and air conditioning inside have about eighteen water inlet,outlet,air inlet,and air outlet,some of which are not in a reasonable position.Almost few buildings lack edges and corners,and some buildings are pistol or knife shaped,causing the loss or destruction of the magnetic field in the residential environment,which is a serious defect of modern buildings.Buildings stand in a forest,with varying heights and strange shapes,shading and pressing each other.It is a major feature of the geomantic omen of high-rise buildings in the industrial era that buildings are not designed according to the operating law of the environmental magnetic field,and it is also a major defect of the external environment and Internal environment of the geomantic omen of modern buildings.The serious defects of these modern buildings have caused countless major diseases and disasters to humanity,and almost no one knows.This is the saddest and most heartbreaking thing!I hope to attract the attention of architectural design institutions and relevant national departments.Modern buildings rise above the clouds without being grounded,which is a significant difference from traditional courtyard bungalows in feng shui.The ancients said that the weather and earth qi,yin and yang,copulate and nurture all things.Living in high-rise buildings for a long time now,the weather and land conditions prevent Yin Yang sexual intercourse,leading to the inability of men's sperm and women's eggs to develop normally,which will lead to an increasing number of infertility cases.Foreign experts say that men's sperm is decreasing at a rate of 1%annually.This is the biggest crisis of self destruction brought to mankind by the western scientific Industrial society.In the underdeveloped era of industrialization,people living in courtyard bungalows had less mental pressure and appeared leisurely and composed due to the lack of interference from other people's biological magnetic fields above their heads.Modern industrialization,technology,capitalization,marketization,and urban forest like steel and cement high-rise buildings have changed human survival,interpersonal relationships,and psychological states,as well as human ways of thinking and behavior.Has changed the formation of our people's Agrarian society for thousands of years


8.The study of residential environmental health and fortune is an important component of Chinese contemporary feng shui.The so-called residential environment health transportation science is to study the nature,location,terrain,shape,height and 24 directions of magnetic field changes in the surrounding environment and the environment,as well as the water pipes,floor drains,doors and windows,air conditioners,cooking stoves The theoretical system of the discipline of whether refrigerators and other things are placed in a reasonable position,and whether residential buildings lack edges and corners,which affects the laws of family members'diseases,disasters,lifespan,wealth,career,marriage,and fortune.If the academic achievements of residential environmental health and transportation science can be comprehensively promoted and applied throughout the country,millions of Unnatural death will be reduced every year,and trillions of medical expenses will be saved.


9.The Eight Trigrams of Environmental Feng Shui and the 24 Directions correspond to the body parts and five organs of family members.The residential environment affects people's way of thinking and behavior,determining the survival of themselves and their six relatives.It has over a hundred disease and disaster prevention techniques and methods,with an accuracy rate of over 95%.As long as people live in a certain house,they can know their family members several years or more in advance,and what kind of disease,disaster,financial loss,death,and other events will happen in what year,which is impossible for Western science and medicine to achieve.It is at the highest level of the wisdom of"treating diseases before they occur",which is known as the"God of Hope".It is a science of environmental disease prevention.In response to the serious defects of missing edges and corners in modern buildings,as well as the divination of water outlets and air outlets,Residential Environmental Health and Fortune has developed a targeted environmental conditioning product for the first time,which is in a leading position in the field of Yixue Feng Shui and has a good effect in conditioning and resolving.The study of residential environmental health and fortune has found a correct path for us to avoid major disease disasters,failed marriages,and business failures,and pursue a prosperous,safe,and happy life.Practice has proven that environmental feng shui is the designer of life's fate,and family members have their own fate based on the type of environmental feng shui they have.The choice of residential environment has become an important indicator of whether people have cultural wisdom,wealth,safety,and luck.


10.For the first time in History of China,the theory of residential environmental health has established an objective standard to judge whether the environmental geomancy of high-rise buildings is good or bad,right or wrong.With the iron like fact of Big data,it has fundamentally established a causal relationship between the residential environment magnetic field and people's diseases,disasters,careers,wealth,marriage,children,etc.The establishment of this causal relationship is of great and far-reaching significance.It completely breaks people's inherent ideological beliefs.It can be said that it is a revolution in the fields of health preservation,career wealth,disease prevention,marriage and children,life genetics,and architectural design in China,which will have a profound impact on humanity.Chinese culture is the Value judgment system of Chinese people for thousands of years.Without understanding Chinese culture,we can't know right or wrong,good or evil.If you don't understand Chinese culture,you will never know what will happen tomorrow,nor will you know what is natural wisdom,nor will you know what is to suffer losses and gain glory.By understanding Chinese culture,you will know awe,right and wrong,and how to prevent major diseases and disasters.What is heartbreaking now is that many Chinese people only believe in Western culture,do not believe in Chinese culture,do not have faith,do not have reverence,do not practice,do not awaken,do not know right or wrong,do not reflect on their words and actions.I don't know how to get sick,I don't know how to die,I don't know how to lose,I don't know how to divorce,I don't know how to be poor.It is no exaggeration to say that the establishment of the study of residential environmental health and fortune is a great awakening of the Chinese people in the field of cultural and ideological research.More and more Chinese people,enjoying the benefits of Chinese culture,are beginning to awaken and have confidence in Chinese culture.The study of residential environmental health and fortune has changed the history of studying people's wealth,poverty,academic career,marriage and children,disease disasters,and not studying environmental feng shui.It has also changed the history of studying human diseases in the fields of genetics and medicine,focusing only on the human body itself,without studying the effects of residential environmental magnetic fields on human life and diseases.This is a significant breakthrough and contribution to the fields of genetics and medicine.




