

Li Jinlun,named Xiangjiang Wolong,was born in Guangdong,China and has lived in Hong Kong for a long time.He is a leading figure in the study of Yi culture in traditional Chinese culture,a graduate student and doctoral supervisor in Yi culture,the president of the Hong Kong Institute of Yi Studies,the chairman of Hong Kong Li Jinlun Co.,Ltd.,a renowned Zhou Yi geologist,outstanding Chinese,Vice Chairman of the Global Yi Study Alliance,an internationally renowned Yi scholar,a master of urban architectural environmental planning,a master of destiny,a master of naming,and a world-renowned figure in the study of Yi environment feng shui.


In the mid-1980s,Li Jinlun devoted himself entirely to the study of the Book of Changes.Due to his background in the"Book of Changes"family,he began to come into contact with and study the study of the Book of Changes,Metaphysics,Sanhe,the Book of Changes,naming,environmental geography,Kanyu Feng Shui,Qimen Dun Jia,Tianxing Chosen Sun,Tianxing Qimen Dun Jia,Jinsuo Yu Guan,passing through Yangyin,numerology prediction,and Sanyuan Xuankong architectural environment Feng Shui from a young age.


Since his debut,Li Jinlun has relied on technology to win the market,especially after winning the real biography of"Yi Xue Feng Shui Tian Xing Qi Men"in 2012.The Feng Shui technique of Yi Xue has undergone a qualitative leap.The essence of the creation of life based on the sun,moon,and stars,as well as the 28 constellations of the celestial stars,has been passed down and developed in the hands of Li Jinlun.In just a few years,he has created many Yixue legends and continuously served multiple listed companies.Under his guidance,many lucky owners have turned from one success to another,with their footprints covering major cities in China,Southeast Asia,Europe and America,and other countries and regions.


For over 30 years,Li Jinlun has been dedicated to the study of"Yi"and possesses rich knowledge,theory,and practical testing.He has also established Li Jinlun's feng shui philosophy theory and established a professional feng shui team,company team,academic team,etc.Li Jinlun often uses feng shui to help others,making him deeply loved by his friends,accumulating rich professional resources and good reputation.Mr.Li Jinlun has a high reputation in the industry and the Hong Kong Guangdong region of China.


Li Jinlun believes that for teachers engaged in the Feng Shui of the Book of Changes,they should first adjust their own aspects well,and then become good fortune mentors for others in order to truly help them.Just like a teacher who promotes health preservation,who can't even do it himself,lacks human energy and energy,and suffers from illness all day,with a sickly face.Can it be convincing to tweet his ancestral health secrets on Twitter?


Similarly,if a teacher who studies the fortune of Feng Shui in the Book of Changes,even when he is struggling with himself,is guiding others in fortune and regulating Feng Shui for others,can this really bring luck?To truly bring good luck to others,you must first make yourself virtuous,wise,wealthy,happy,and calm,otherwise it is impossible to bring good luck to others.


Mr.Li Jinlun emphasized that when feng shui masters help people adjust their feng shui layout,they will absorb negative energy.Long term accumulation will lead to the accumulation of diseases in one's own life journey,and these same"diseases".We must learn to purify our own energy,which is also self purification.If a feng shui master does not practice internal skills and cannot purify their energy,the final outcome of their life will definitely be bad.Therefore,Professor Li Jinlun emphasized that as a feng shui master,one must learn to purify oneself,cultivate internal skills,and enhance enough energy to help others avoid misfortune.Just as you have enough money to help the poor improve their lives.As if you are familiar with water nature,only then can you save the drowning person from death and come back to life.


Master Li Jinlun emphasized that feng shui masters must possess unique spirituality.To become a master in any industry,one must possess spirituality and renewal.The ingenious and ingenious craftsmanship of the clever use of Feng Shui's true essence in layout planning has achieved the desired effect.As the saying goes,practice is the only criterion for testing truth.No matter what the three generations of ancestors or the writings are taken out of context and eloquent,if there is no effective effect of geomancy,it is a Pseudo-scholarship on paper.So if a feng shui master lacks spirituality,is blindly arrogant,and learns without skills,he will become a"martial artist",and over time,he will automatically disappear.There are many examples in the feng shui world.Spiritual feng shui masters,due to their intelligence and soul,often become more successful the longer they work.Cultivating spiritual feng shui masters is also a major feature of Master Li Jinlun's practical feng shui teaching and training.


Mr.Li Jinlun works hard for the benefit of society and leads the Hong Kong Institute of Yi Studies and team colleagues to continuously explore and innovate,integrating the Feng Shui cultural field of Yi Studies with the development of various sectors of society,and gaining rich practical experience,promoting the excellent traditional Chinese culture and the spirit and skills of Hong Kong's profession.Let the wisdom of the Book of Changes benefit our country and the world.


Mr.Li Jinlun has long been awarded the positions of professor,doctoral supervisor,and consultant by some well-known universities and enterprises,and has made responsibilities and contributions to the teaching of university Zhouyi and the development of enterprises.Li Jinlun's team adheres to serving enterprises,famous enterprises,individuals,and groups with professional and scientific wisdom and practical skills,reaching thousands every year.In his busy career,Mr.Li Jinlun adheres to the principle of regularly organizing charity and public welfare,and works together with enterprises to do public welfare,helping people in need and making contributions to society.


Mr.Li Jinlun aims to research and explore the true essence of Yixue Fengshui and benefit society.Willing to exhaust one's life and strive for a lifetime.He has won many awards for the study of Yi ology for his skillful study of Yi ology.Especially in recent years,he was invited to be the anchor of Feng Shui Home Program of Life Mae Nomeri of Guangdong Dongguan TV Station from 2014 to 2015,and was specially invited by CCTV,In 2016,he was awarded the"Contemporary I Ching Master"award at the world-class I Ching Cultural Forum,and in 2017,he was once again awarded the"Contemporary China I Ching Feng Shui Master"award at the world-class I Ching Cultural Forum.He was also recognized as one of the"Top Ten Outstanding I Ching Feng Shui Masters in the Contemporary World"and was honored with the"International I Ching Lifetime Achievement Award"in 2017.He was reported by 100 media outlets nationwide and was selected as the Chief Director of the"China Influential Figures Database"in 2018 Selected as a large-scale document for the 40th anniversary of the reform and opening up,titled"Towards a New Era",compiled as a national level large-scale document for the 70th Anniversary of Glorious China in 2019,and selected as a national level treasure album for the"China Stamp"in 2019.In 2020,he was honored as one of the"Influential Figures in Contemporary China"in the yearbook,and in 2021,he was honored as one of the centennial documents of the founding of the Communist Party of China in the"China Pioneer List".In 2022,he was once again awarded the title of the global leader in contemporary Yi studies.Visiting Professor of Decision Making in China and Chief Advisor of China Influential Figures Database.In 2023,he was selected as the ambassador for the dissemination of intangible cultural heritage in the new era and a role model for Chinese people.He continues to work hard to create good results,benefit society,and benefit more destined people.


In order to promote the development of Chinese Yi learning culture,Li Jinlun convened Yi scholars from various regions to discuss strategies for the development of Chinese Yi learning culture.He personally led colleagues and academic teams in the Yi learning community to establish a complete modern Yi learning academic system,and called on more industry members to voluntarily participate,contributing to the benefit of society and promoting the development of Yi learning culture.


Tutor Li Jinlun is a positive energy level master of the Yi Learning Feng Shui.With his excellent Chinese cultural heritage and wise operational methods,he has galloped through the contemporary Yi Learning market,covering major cities across the country,as well as countries in Europe,America,and Southeast Asia.He has made a lifelong contribution to the revival of traditional Chinese culture and the internationalization of Yi Learning culture,making a lifelong contribution for contemporary Yi learners.




